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Evening menu

Meals from 18:00 - 21:30

Starters to share

Starters that are easy to share

Bruschetta Quartet

Four types of bruschetta in our delicious variations.

For two people. For each additional person, 1 euro per plate for cleaning costs


Bruschetta Don Vito

8 erlesene Bruschetta Varianten mit meinen besten Zutaten


Delicious mozzarella specialties

Let's start...

Burrata with cherry tomatoes

Burrata - A delicate, creamy temptation from my neighboring village of Gioia dell Colle. Creamy cream core mozzarella prepared by hand for you. Classically paired with cherry tomatoes, rocket and olive oil


Burrata with grapes

here a sweet and sour temptation with grapes caramelized in raspberry balsamic vinegar with rose petals and coriander


Crispy Bruschetta

I love bruschetta. Basically the Italian sister of a sandwich

Bruschetta, classic

Bruschetta with small tomatoes, a hint of onion and herb oil, rocket


Bruschetta Goat

Bruschetta with a cream cheese cream made from goat's cheese, pecorino and cow's milk, peppered sheep's cheese, sweet black nuts


Bruschetta Fig

Bruschetta with burrata, fresh figs, lime oil, roasted rosemary and pine nuts


Bruschetta Caprese

Bruschetta with tomatoes, burrata, basil pesto and rocket


Crisp salads

Valtellina salad

Our Valtellina salad offers an exquisite combination of tender bresaola, creamy burrata, fresh rocket and juicy cherry tomatoes. Refined with freshly grated parmesan and sweet figs, rounded off with a light raspberry balsamic dressing, this salad is a harmonious blend of savory and sweet flavors


Small salad

Our small salad is the perfect, light starter. Fresh, mixed green salad combined with juicy cherry tomatoes, spicy rocket and a fine raspberry balsamic dressing. Ideal for a healthy and refreshing start to your meal.


für Puristen - Einfache Pizzen ohne Klimbim

Ein paar Zutaten, kein Chi Chi, kein Firlefanz. Der einfache und gute Geschmack


Mozzarella, herb oil for seasoning, a touch of grated Parmesan and fried corn kernels



Mozzarella, tomato sauce, basil and Vetricina salami.
A good salami that I chose especially for this pizza. Nice meaty aroma, slightly spicy.


Cip Cip Hurrah

Mozzarella, some creme fraiche with herb oil, fried onions in raspberry balsamic vinegar



Tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil and olive oil.
My mozzarella mixture for this pizza consists of Fior die Latte, buffalo mozzarella from Battipaglia and excellent parmesan for the spicy note



Mozzarella, tomato sauce, Tuscan fennel salami



Tomatensauce, Mozzarella, Nduja Wurst aus Kalabrien, rote Zwiebeln



Mozzarella, Tomtensauce, gebratene Salsiccia mit Fenchelsamen



Mozzarella, Cremefraiche, Kräuter, Trüffelöl und gemahlene Fenchelsamen



Mozzarella, Tomatensauce und Gran Biscotto "Selezione" Schinken



Mozzarella, Creme Fraiche, frittierter Salbei, Kräuteröl und geriebener Parmesan




Eine meiner lieblings Pizzen seit Kindertagen. Mozzarella, Creme Fraiche, ein paar Kräuter, Gran Biscotto Schinken "Selezione", gebratene Maiskörner, ein wenig geriebener Parmesan für die Würze



Grand Biscotto „Selezione“ Schinken, toskanische Fenchelsalami, Fior di Latte di Agerola Mozzarella, Kräuteröl, marinierte Artischocken, mitgebackener Rucola


Vitos Sudden Inferno

Eine wunderbare Pizza, exklusiv kreiert für unsere Kooperation mit der renommierten lokalen Brauerei „Sudden Death“.
Belegt mit kandierten Mandeln, Gorgonzola, Crème Fraîche, Mozzarella, Tomatensauce und scharfer ’Nduja aus Kalabrien. Passt besonders gut zu einem frischen Pale Ale vom Fass.

Diese Pizza gibt es sowohl hier bei uns als auch bei Sudden Death in der Einsiedlerstraße 6.

Guten Appetit!


Karl Heinz

Pizza mit Tomatensauce, Mozzarella, Salsiccia, rote mit Himbeerbalsamico karamellisierte Zwiebeln, Burrata, Grana Padano Käse



Eine Inspiration aus meinem letzten Italien Urlaub. Pizza mit Büffelmozzarella, Kräuteröl, gebackener Hokkaido, Amarettini, Crema di Balsamico, Burrata, Gorgonzola, Salbei und ein Hauch Habaneroöl



Deftige Pizza mit Mozzarella, Creme Fraiche, Kräuteröl, roten Zwiebeln und geräucherter Speck aus dem Südtirol


Grandpa‘s Finest

Pizza mit einem grandiosen, aromatischen Schinken aus dem Naturschutzgebit Cilento, behutsam in Holzofen gebacken, gebratenen Austernpilze und Kräuterseitlinge (Pilzart) und Burrata


Bella Donna

Pizza mit einem grandiosen, aromatischen Schinken aus dem Naturschutzgebit Cilento, behutsam in Holzofen gebacken, Amalfi Zitronenabtrieb, gehackte Pistazien, Burrata und Gremolata


Funky Funghi

Eine pizza mit gebratenen San Marzano Tomaten, Mozzarella, Basilikum, grana Padano Käse, gebratenen Austernpilze, gebratenen Kräuterseitlingen und gebratenen Rosé Champignons.
Für Pilz Freunde



I am a description for a section of the menu. Click on me and then click "Edit Menu" to change the text.

Alba Longa

Enjoy the delicate taste of this pizza with tender ham, fresh rocket, cherry tomatoes, pumpkin seed pesto and creamy burrata, rounded off with Grana Padano.


Donna Teresa

A true delight: ham, crunchy rocket, Grana Padano and burrata, refined with fresh figs and aromatic herb oil.


Adam and Eve

Discover the harmonious combination of ham, rocket, spiced wine-candied dried figs, cinnamon, Grana Padano and Crema di Balsamico on a delicious pizza.



Experience the spicy variety of this pizza with Nduja, fennel salami, fried mushrooms, dried olives, capers, cherry tomatoes, red onions, buffalo mozzarella and matured parmesan.


Giro d'Italia

A culinary journey with fior di latte, herb oil, salsiccia, spicy n’duja, dried olives, burrata, dried black cabbage, pecorino and truffle oil.


San Michele

Enjoy the contrasts of this pizza with fried mushrooms, dried figs, cinnamon, spicy Spianata salami from Calabria, mozzarella and crème fraîche.


Bee sting al´arrabiata

A special combination of Gorgonzola, rosemary, spicy salami and candied almonds – an incomparable taste.



Fresh bresaola, spicy rocket, creamy burrata, rosemary, sweet figs, pepper, olive oil and crema di balsamico – a heavenly delight.


Men's pastries

A hearty pizza with baked Romano, Gorgonzola, salsiccia, chili and mushrooms fried in a special liqueur from Taranto, refined with 40-month-aged Parmesan.


Imbocca al wolf

Hearty fennel salami from Tuscany, Bresaola ham from the Valtellina valley, young pecorino, dried olives and marinated eggplant for the necessary pep.
This pizza is ideal for fans of hearty food


Napoli Deluxe

One of my favorites!
Buffalo mozzarella, wild oregano, anchovies, dried olives, basil, capers and baked cherry tomatoes provide the necessary balance to provide the necessary contrast with the salty fish and the strong olives



Tuna, red onions, dried olives, mozzarella and capers


Vegetarian pizzas

Hier ist eine Auswahl unserer Fleischlosen Pizzen. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle darauf hinweisen, dass die meisten unserer Käsesorten Lab beinhalten.

The Black Pearl

Unique combination of rocket, fresh goat cheese, parmesan and pecorino from Tuscany, refined with black walnuts harvested in June and preserved in syrup.


Don Antonio

Crispy rocket, cherry tomatoes, Grana Padano and handmade burrata from Gioia del Colle, refined with pumpkin seed pesto.


Puglian Hills

Tasty pizza with balsamic-marinated eggplant, fried rosé mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, mint and burrata.


The Dolce Vita

A pizza with a selection of good cheese, crème fraîche, fresh nutmeg, roasted grapes in raspberry-rose balsamic vinegar and baby spinach.



Mozzarella Fior di Latte, herb oil, artichokes, caramelized red onions in
raspberry balsamic vinegar, burrata, 40-month-aged Parmesan from the Red Cow



Face to Face

For the undecided: Half Alba Longa, half Charlie


heaven and hell

A wonderful combination of Bienenstich al´arrabiata and Pecora Nera


Special offers

Here is a selection of exclusive pizzas that we offer in limited editions.
Limited because the ingredients are either perishable or difficult to obtain, or the entire pizza can only be made in a certain amount with a reasonable amount of time.

Let yourself be surprised by this constantly changing selection of delicacies

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